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Events & Workshops

Workshop on
Awakened Christianity
Workshop on
Dying and Death

Cambridge Chronicles is passionate about books. Paper and hardback books are a way of reaching those who cannot access the e-medium. If you have books to donate for charity please contact us. We will aim to link you to a charity near you who can distribute and benefit from you unwanted books.

People are hungry for a revolution that disperses the materialistic, capitalist machine which is tearing up the wonderful beautiful Earth we all share. If you have composed any prose, short stories or cartoons to forward the revolution please contact us.

Workshop on Awakened Christianity

17/05/2024 | 18:00 - 20:00

Ely, Cambridgeshire - £20

Workshop on Dying and Death


14/06/2022 | 18:00-20:00

Ely, Cambridgeshire - £20


Please email for more information:

Please put Awakened Christianity as your subject heading.

I love that Jesus flouted all the rules.jpg
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